Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 10 to 13:30h | 16 to 19:30h
Sa: 10 to 13:30h
Caring for a pet is wonderful, a satisfying experience that you can enjoy alone or with the rest of your family. And it’s proven that having a pet lowers the stress level, strengthens our self-esteem and ends the pain that comes with loneliness.
In many cases, pets become our best friends, which means that they must be part of certain important decisions. One of them is related to the place where we will live. There is no doubt that the house or apartment to choose must be a safe and comfortable space to ensure your well-being.
Finding a place to live up to is crucial. First of all, think about our needs and yours to be happy in the new home. Here's a selection of things to keep in mind when choosing a property that fits your pet's type, breed, or size.
The ideal home for you, your family and your pet
There is a great diversity of pets to welcome, from dogs and expenses to fish, reptiles, birds or rodents. Some of these pets need nothing more than a cage, fish tank or terrarium to lead a peaceful and quiet life. However, other pets need large or enabled spaces such as cats and dogs.
• Large and green areas. Medium or large dogs need freedom and independence, and there is nothing better than having a property with a garden or similar so that they can walk and run. Thus, more or less isolated villas or houses are the best option, especially if we have two or more dogs. Floors are usually recommended for small dogs or cats, although it is advisable to protect openings and use safety nets on balconies to prevent them from escaping.
• Walking parks. Many pets, regardless of size, can feel stressed when living in a small space. To avoid episodes of anxiety in which they may scratch or bite furniture, the best option is for them to go out and exercise every day. If the house of our dreams does not have a garden, before making the final move make sure you have a park nearby to cover your most basic needs, such as socializing with other animals of your species and physical activity. And if there is a veterinary center nearby, much better.
• Furniture and other accessible items that are easy to clean. Dogs and cats can commit small pranks such as soiling or throwing things, especially if we are talking about puppies. In addition, when they are in an unknown home, they feel disoriented and want to mark their territory. For that reason, the best thing to do is to keep the rooms tidy and have upholstery that is easy to clean. In addition, we must avoid the use of aggressive chemicals that can damage them and use pet-friendly cleaning products instead.
Having a great time with you and having a friendly home will make your pet feel happy. Having a space allows our life partners not to suffer and feel happy in your company.
Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 10 to 13:30h | 16 to 19:30h
Sa: 10 to 13:30h