Engel & Völkers Licencpartner Hungary > Blog > A Diplomats Polo Cup-on jártunk szponzorként

A Diplomats Polo Cup-on jártunk szponzorként

Példaértékűnek nevezte az Engel & Völkers hamburgi központja szponzorként való megjelenésünket a Diplomats Polo Cup-on egyik legfrissebb blogcikkében, melyet nemzetközi hírlevelében is publikált.

Mint arról már többször több helyen írtunk, idén második alkalommal vettünk részt szponzorként a színvonalas lovaspóló sporteseményen Tabajdon, mely egyben fontos társasági esemény is. 

Központunk cikkének kivonata itt olvasható: 

Engel & Völkers Hungary sponsors Diplomats Polo Cup

E&V Hungary has sponsored the Diplomats Polo Cup for the second year in a row. This year, 400 spectators attended the sporting event in Tabajd, a Hungarian town close to Budapest. (...)

“We invited ten of our best clients to the prestigious event and also managed to acquire new clients,” reported Peter Urban, Master Licence Partner of E&V Hungary. “The main aim of our presence at events like these, however, is to strengthen the image of Engel & Völkers in the long term and to boost awareness of the brand. (...)

Since Christian Völkers, Founder and CEO of Engel & Völkers AG, has close associations with polo, and thus the company too as a result, E&V Hungary got in touch with the Hungarian Polo Club last year. “Its target clientele is exactly the same as ours. That’s why we were very keen to work together,” said Peter Urban. At the Polo Cup this partnership manifested itself as follows: Two E&V beach flags were set up at the entrance to the playing field, while numerous E&V balloons decorated the event tent. In addition, E&V Hungary also had its own stand at the tournament. Interested attendees had the opportunity to view current property listings on an LED display. A team of three from E&V Hungary were also on hand to provide advice. Together with two hostesses, the colleagues distributed the latest edition of GG Magazine, as well as Private Residences brochures and red macaroons. However, 250 E&V wooden hand fans received special attention due to the intense heat. The stadium spokesman therefore referred several times to the E&V stand.

The main sponsor of the Diplomats Polo Cup was the car manufacturer BMW. Other sponsors of the event included La Martina, Jo Malone, Hublot, Nespresso, Omorovicza and Oxygen Wellness. That meant that Engel & Völkers was in excellent company.

Success Stories | 05.07.2019.

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Engel & Völkers
Licencpartner Hungary
  • Szilágyi Dezső tér 4.
    1011 Budapest
  • Fax: +36 1 392 0388


H-P: 9:00-17:00

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