Lun - Ven 9/13 - 14/18 Sab 9/13 Domenica - Su appuntamento
Mon - Fri 9/13 - 14/18 Sat 9/13 Sunday - On appointment
Mo - Fr 9/13 - 14/18 Sa 9/13 Sonntag - Nach Vereinbarung
Whoever has lived in Verbania, on Lake Maggiore for a long time or a season or even a summer afternoon, has certainly visited the garden of Villa Taranto. The notoriety she enjoys all over the world does not dispel the hastest from spending a couple of hours.
Today's appearance of the garden of Villa Taranto is not a spontaneous fruit, but the result, shaped in time by a laborious elaboration undertaken by Captain Mc Everyarn in 1931.
Entering into the gardens of Villa Taranto is like traveling through far-away countries.
"A beautiful garden does not need to be great, but it must be the realization of your dream even if it is a couple of square meters wide and is on a balcony." So Captain Neil Mc Eacharn explained to us the birth of these marvelous gardens.
Among the plants present some of them unique in Europe and acclimatized after long work, they have been arranged with a sense of art in a beauty frame, between lake and mountains.
In 1931, in fact, the Scottish Captain decided to buy the property from the Marchesa di Sant'Elia to transform it into an exquisite English garden, located in a flair of Italy that, though more soft and rich in tones, could remind him The native Scotland. This work had to reconcile two fundamental needs: aesthetic and botanical. Botanical necessities, as the various vegetations had to find ground and climate conditions as ideal as possible. The stages of the creation of new gardens saw several stages of work, until their completion in 1940.
Today, the botanical heritage of the Gardens of Villa Taranto is vast: it contains about 1,000 non-native plants and about 20,000 varieties and species of particular botanical value. The Villa can not be visited, as it is used as the headquarters of the new Province of Verbano - Cusio - Ossola.
Since 1952, the Gardens are open to the public, from April to October, and the influx of visitors is now over 150,000 units per year. From Australia, from the Americas, from Europe, from all over, numerous groups of scholars and enthusiasts, reach Villa Taranto, attracted by the interesting botanical collection, the perfect organization and the kind hospitality.
By visiting the Gardens, each one will find intimate scenarios and figurations of fantasy concealed in transparent water, or in the expanses of mysterious flowers, sacred to Egyptian mythology. From the romantic Valletta to the expanse of the Eriche, from the greenhouses with "Victoria cruziana" to the Azalee, Aceri, Rhododendron and Camelie avenues, from the Dalie gardens with over 300 varieties to the thousand colors of autumn blooms, Italian, or in the golden autumn velvet, VILLA TARANTO gives us as many unforgettable images of his ever-renewed beauty.
Lun - Ven 9/13 - 14/18 Sab 9/13 Domenica - Su appuntamento
Mon - Fri 9/13 - 14/18 Sat 9/13 Sunday - On appointment
Mo - Fr 9/13 - 14/18 Sa 9/13 Sonntag - Nach Vereinbarung