Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 9-13 | 14:30 to 19:00
Sat: by appointment
During the Game Over to Leg Failure fun events, scientific meetings are held in the same venue. CME credits are provided to all types of physicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, techniciansand nurses. The speakers report the most recent guidelines on the topic related to the different specialties, but keeping an easy vocabulary, in order to allow also participants who are not MDs to enjoy the learning moment. A Cardio-Pulmonary Resucitation Course is provided to everybody, together with a US hands on course for MDs, an elastic stocking compression school and a biomechanics course.
In the charming setting of the Euganean Hills the collaboration among Game Over to Leg Failure project and the Montecchia Golf Academy was born, with the aim of the health and sport performance promotion. Together with the golf event, participants will enjoy also the RIDE WITH THE PRO: a fun/health ride together with the professional cyclist Alan Marangoni and with the medical pro. The event is open also to non golfers, who will be able to enjoy HOSP-ITA-LITY tent for free. They will be allowed to enjoy also the medical meeting inside the golf venue and the raffle for a week-end in the private island of Albarella and the week in California. This event will be dedicated to the support of Associazione Lotta alla Trombosi, NOT for PROFIT (
Montecchia Golf Club - Saturday,July 2 – 2016
Golf competition reservation:tel. 0039 049 805 5550
ISCRIZIONE ; ECM: 5 crediti.
9.00 Cardiopulmonary Resucitation Course (R.Osnato)
10.00 Venousecho-color-Doppler Course (S. Gianesini)
11.00 Compression& Biomechanics College
(S. Gianesini, A. Forcolin – Montecchia Golf Academy)
12.00 LUNCH
16.00-‐16.15 WELCOME & OPENING
Dr. Kathy Gibson (Lake Washington Vascular, Seattle, USA)
Dr. Hernan Bauza Moreno (Italian Hospital, Buenos Aires);
Prof. Donato Gemma. (University of Ferrara)
16.15 GIANESINI S. (Ferrara University)
“VARICOSE VEINS: what it is, what it does, what to do”
16.30 Emanuele Guerra (Casilino Hospital)
“Let’s drive your heart”
16.45 RIVELLIF. (Bologna University)
”Don’t play with your skin”
(Montecchia Golf Academy rehab responisble)
“GOLF injuries & rehab medicine“
17.15 MORATELLI S. (Ferrara University)
“Innovation in anticoagulation: what everybody needs to know”
17.30 OSNATO R. (Ferrara Hospital)
”CARDIO-PULMONARY RESUCITATION: everybody can save a life”
17.45 GIANESINI S. (Ferrara University)
Game Over to Leg Failure project: an international bridge for publicawareness & screening
18.00 Closing, free aperitif and Game Over to LegFailure project, PRIZEGIVING
Maria Paola Casa. (Montecchia Golf Academy),
Stefano Frigeri (Emilia Romagna Italian Golf Federation),
Paolo Casa. (Vic-‐president, Italian Golf Federation),
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 9-13 | 14:30 to 19:00
Sat: by appointment