
Legal Notice

The website owner’s data are the following:
Name Kampfraat Real Estate S.L.U (hereinafter “EV Andorra”)
Tax registration number L-710620-U
Physical Address Carrer Na Maria Pla 2-6, Andorra la Vella, AD500
Contact number +376 88 66 88

“EV Andorra” is the licensee of ENGEL & VÖLKERS RESIDENTIAL GMBH, a company incorporated under the laws of Germany with its address at Stadthausbrücke 5, DE-20355 Hamburg.
Navigation on this website attributes the condition of user (hereinafter, "You").
Any use contrary to that provided in this document is strictly prohibited.
The present "Legal Notice" regulates the access and conditions of use by any user of the pages of the web domain (hereinafter, web page), ownership of Engel & Völkers.
Through the present web page, EV Andorra offers information about its location, offered services and ways of contact.
The access to this web page, as well as the use by the user necessarily imply and without exceptions, the submission and acceptance of this Legal Advice.
EV Andorra reserves the right to modify the use conditions, at any time without the necessity of prior notice. Every time you access or use the website the agreement use conditions will govern according to the modifications introduced at any time, for this reason, is it recommended for the user to read it each time this web page is accessed.
All the data collection forms fields available are mandatory. If the user not fill the fields it can suppose the impossibility of treat your request.

Access and use of the web page
The user accesses to the web page under his exclusively responsibility. The contents and services offered in the web page have the purpose of disseminate information about the services offered and developed by EV Andorra.
EV Andorra will put the reasonable means available to the user to assure the accuracy of the contents and services included in the web page, and make sure they are up to date. However, it is not guaranteed at all time.
Likewise, EV Andorra doesn’t guarantee the absence of virus or other injurious elements in this webpage. In consequence, EV Andorra is not responsible of the potential damage, unrepairable alterations or errors that, due to the presence of any virus, may suffer the user’s computer system (hardware or software) while accessing or using the web page of EV Andorra or other involved. Despite this, as soon as it has been proved, EV Andorra will dispose of everything that is within its reach to mitigate and assure the user the safe use of the web page.
EV Andorra is not responsible for the damages that the user’s computer equipment may suffer as the result of an improper or negligent use of the web page.
Intelectual Property
All the content, without exclusion and in a non-limiting way, is part of the web page, like articles, data, texts, icons, images, databases, etc, are property of EV Andorra or third parties who allow EV Andorra to use it. In accordance to the “Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Law”, of 10-06-1999, the contents of the website are subject to intellectual property, protected by the current national and international intellectual property laws.
The user will be able to create a private backup of the contents only for his own use. Any use or exploitation different from the described in the previous paragraph will require a written and previous authorization of the owner of the exploitation rights. The user is not allowed to reproduce, spread, communicate publicly, set, transform, collect and in general, export the contents of the web page in any way without the prior written authorization of the owner of the exploitation rights.
The access to the web page does not imply in any case the resignation, transmission or transfer, total or partial of the rights granted by the Andorran and international rules on intellectual property.

Industrial Property
The current national and international Industrial property laws protect the logos and the brands of EV Andorra and the third parties, existing in this website.
The domain is registered by Engel & Völkers. This domain name can’t be used, except with prior authorization, in connection with other services that are not those of the owner, so that our customers may be confused or discredit the company.
Reproduction is prohibited (except for the temporary download of the page on the user’s disk or server), the copy, the usage, the distribution, reutilization, exploitation, backup creation, e-mail sending, transmission and modification of any distinctive sign previously mentioned above and found on this website, unless expressly authorized by its owner.

Any hypertext link, deep, framing, or any other type of virtual connection through telecommunication networks from any web site (link) to the web page, must be authorized in writing by EV Andorra, and establishing the link to the initial page.
EV Andorra is no responsible of the content nor other aspect related to external web pages. If the user detects that any of the contents may be contrary to the law or than can harm goods or rights of a third party, can communicate it to, in order to cancel this link and carry out the corresponding actions.

Privacy Policy and Data Protection
EV Andorra is highly regarded with user’s data privacy, and apply a Privacy Policy based in the protection data principles established for the European Union and Andorra.
More information available in our Privacy Policy.

EV Andorra refuse the responsibility derived from the bad use of the content, and reserves the right to update, delete, restrict or temporarily prevent temporary or definitive access.
The sole purpose of the website contents is to inform to the users about the services offered by EV Andorra
EV Andorra does not guarantee the perfect working of the web page, nor the availability and operational at all times.
EV Andorra is not responsible of the direct or indirect damages, including damages to computer systems or existing viruses in the network, derived from the navigation an use of the web page.

Duration and Modification
With the purpose of improve the service and/or adapt to current legislation, EV Andorra will have the right to modify the terms and conditions stipulated in this Legal Advice.
EV Andorra may terminate, suspend or interrupt unilaterally the operation of this web page, without the possibility of requesting any type of compensation on the part of the user.

Applicable legislation
The terms of this Legal Advice are governed by Andorran regulations and any dispute will be submitted to the courts of the Principality of Andorra.
Last modify: 18th October 2019