Engel & Völkers Paris > Rental management of an apartment in Paris - Engel & Völkers

Rental management of an apartment in Paris - Engel & Völkers

Engel & Völkers Paris supports you in the rental management of your apartments

For peace of mind...

We ensure the current management of your property: reception of the rents, treatment of the dismissals, report of management, regularization of the loads, revision of the rents, representation at the general assemblies.

We take care of your legal and administrative support in a personalized way, the follow-up of a possible litigation as well as the treatment of the contestations.

With our network of partners and trusted professionals, we guarantee the management of your property, including the monitoring of work with suppliers and correspondence with insurance companies.

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Engel & Völkers, your reliable partner for rental management

Rental management allows you to entrust your apartment to a professional who knows the French regulations on renting a property and is aware of the realities of the Parisian real estate market. This guarantees you peace of mind, as your manager will take care of everything concerning the day-to-day management of your apartment.

The Engel & Völkers Paris rental team is composed of a dozen specialists in the Paris rental market, and is entirely dedicated to the rental of your property. All of them are bilingual or trilingual, and they will estimate your rent, taking into account all the specificities of the apartment, and can exchange with owners of different nationalities.

In order to offer you this service, our company respects the obligations imposed by the Hoguet law of January 2, 1970 as well as the provisions of the ALUR law of March 24, 2014 on access to housing.

Rental management in Paris: a wide range of services at your disposal

Management at Engel & Völkers means that we take over the entire day-to-day management of your apartment.

From the collection of rent to the management of notice of departure, to the organization of work and diagnostics, you have nothing to do. We also take care of rent revisions, regularization of charges and other accounting particularities of rental management that few owners do alone.

Our service also advises you in terms of taxation, for eventual works and informs you of the constant evolution of the market and the rules fixed by the state. We are the direct interlocutors of your tenants. You have no contact with your tenants, unless you request it.

We set up the means of communication and market your property on our different platforms, online and offline, carry out the solvency surveys of the candidate tenants and set them up. We also take care of the sending of the notices of expiry and the rent receipts but also of the inventory of fixtures of entries and exits and of the drafting of the leases.

Tenants contact us with questions or problems in the apartment. We can send a qualified craftsman if needed to make a free estimate which is sent to you afterwards. We then take care of the exchanges with this service provider as well as the payment of the invoices by recovering the amount from the rents so that you do not have to pay anything yourself.

If you wish to avoid the exchanges with the syndic of co-ownership, we can also take over. Concretely, we can settle the calls for funds (also deducted from the rent), send the minutes of the General Assembly, etc.

Management of rent payment disputes

Many landlords sometimes feel helpless in the case of non-payment by their tenants.

If necessary, we can take care of the management of the litigation for you, to contact and exchange with the indelicate tenants. If no solution is found, we send payment injunctions and eventually contact a bailiff in the framework of a procedure.

Rental management by Engel & Völkers, peace of mind and the assurance of quality service

Entrusting us with the management of your property ensures that you are in compliance with the law with regard to your tenants and your apartment. These services allow you to optimize your rental income and to have peace of mind thanks to the guarantee of unpaid rents.

Finally, delegating the management of your apartment to us guarantees you peace of mind and considerable time savings. At Engel & Völkers, we guarantee you a quality, competent and above all reactive service for all your requests and situations that you may face.

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The Engel & Völkers remuneration basis for rental management

In exchange for these services, we receive a remuneration which includes all the services of current management in the form of a percentage on the receipts, rents and loads.

For certain occasional services, such as the search for a tenant or assistance with the declaration, a scale is set up and validated by both parties, owner and manager.

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