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Prestigious investment in Largo Argentina

Apartment, Buy | Italy, Lazio, Roma, Centro Storico
2.050.000 EUR
Total surface approx.-Icon
370 m²
Total surface approx.
2.050.000 EUR

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What you should know about this apartment

Amenities and special features of this apartment

Within the historical and evocative setting of Largo Argentina, we offer for sale an extremely large and very bright property. Building, in neo-classical style from the early 1900s, overlooks the marvelous archaeological area of the Foro Argentino. The apartment is on the second floor, equipped with lift, and is spread over an area of approximately 350 m2. The property is in full operation as a prestigious accommodation facility and is leased with a contract until approxemately 2032. The high and frescoed ceilings and the floors, almost all of excellent quality parquet, are immediately striking. The property currently consists of 11 rooms, with 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, 6 of which are en suite, as well as a large reception and a breakfast room with views of rare beauty thanks to the view that is enjoyable from one of the 3 panoramic balconies. Property is completed by comfortable and functional kitchen, laundry room and a further large outdoor area with silent exposure in the courtyard. Property lends itself to being a ready and profitable investment in the heart of the historical center of the capital, with a very interesting long-term perspective for purely residential use in an area that is always highly sought after by tourists of the Eternal City.
This information and plans are purely indicative and do not constitute contractual elements.

Floor plans for this property

Centro Storico: Location and surroundings of this property

The name of the square refers to the Torre Argentina, so called by Johannes Burckardt (about 1445 - 1506, Italianized name Burcardo), who starting from 1483 was master of ceremonies for as many as five Popes. The high prelate, who was born in Strasbourg (Argentoratum in Latin) and therefore liked to sign himself Argentinus, had purchased land in the area, on the remains of the Theater of Pompey, and, having demolished the pre-existing medieval structures, had his own palace built there, precisely called Casa del Burcardo, in via del Sudario 44. After 1730 the property was partially used for the construction of the Teatro Argentina (perpetuating the "theatrical" vocation of the area over time); the tower (cut off in the 1800s and then incorporated into a superelevation) although it is unrecognizable today, has left its name to the square. The tower that rises in Largo di Torre Argentina is the Torre del Papito, a medieval tower which however has nothing to do with the "Torre Argentina". In 1909 it was decided to rebuild some parts of the new capital of the Kingdom of Italy, including the area of Torre Argentina. The plans envisaged the inclusion of the Torre del Papito and the remains of a temple within the new buildings that were to be built in the area, after the demolition of the existing buildings. Following these works, including the demolition of the church of San Nicola dei Cesarini, the marble remains of a colossal statue were found; from these finds, in-depth archaeological excavations started which brought to light a sacred area, dating back to the Republican era. The Torre del Papito therefore remains in the square, now isolated from the original urban context, as well as the famous Teatro Argentina, built in 1732 by Duke Giuseppe Cesarini Sforza, currently passed among the properties of the municipality of Rome.

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Engel & Völkers Roma MMC
  • EV MMC Italia S.r.l.
  • Licence partner of E&V Italia S.r.l.
  • Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 282-284
  • 00186 Roma
  • Phone: +39 06 45 54 81 20
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